Why a healthy lifestyle is important for a good outcome
If you are about to undergo surgery or have recently done so, this post will be beneficial. We will give you the keys to a good diet both in the pre-operative and post-surgical periods.
If we choose the right foods, we can help the body to face surgery and recover after it in the best conditions. Surgery leaves us vulnerable and exposed to infections. Just as we adapt the diet to physical activity, we must help the body prepare and recover from surgery.
If you are about to undergo surgery or have recently done so, this post will be very helpful. We will give you the keys to have a good diet both in the pre-operative and in the post-surgical period.
If we choose the right foods, we can help the body to face surgery and recover after it in the best conditions. Surgery leaves us vulnerable and exposed to infections. Just as we adapt diet to physical activity, we must help the body prepare and recover from surgery.
What foods should we consume in a preoperative period?
Foods that contain natural iron, such as beetroots, spinach, lentils, beans, and of course protein such as meat. In addition to that you should eat greens, and veggies and fruit that have Vitamin C for example green bell peppers, and oranges.
A balanced healthy diet, with a combination of your protein with healthy sides, and lots of water will be key for a good outcome. In addition to leaving bad habits a side like smoking.
In any case, it is recommended that during the days prior to surgery we follow an easy-to-digest diet based on:
- Low fat foods.
- Foods with low gastric stimulation (not seasoned, without hot spices or acids).
- Avoid exciting drugs (coffee, tea, caffeinated drinks, etc.), since they can raise blood pressure.
- Light cooking: steamed, grilled or boiled food, avoid frying.
- Avoid alcohol.
All this will truly improve and help recovery be easier, your body will thank you for it.
Tips before surgery
In addition, it is advisable to avoid tobacco. It hinders the correct circulation of the blood and can cause an increase in blood pressure. It is also convenient to do without products with refined sugars, which promote inflammation.
If the surgery is in the morning, the night before the intervention you should have dinner between three and four hours before going to bed. The main objective of facilitating digestion, so that day avoid a heavy meal.
Why go to surgery on an empty stomach?
If we have already passed the experience of a surgical intervention, we probably know that you should go on an empty stomach, even if it is a minor surgery. The objective is to prevent the contents of the stomach from passing to the lungs, producing the so-called aspiration pneumonia.
The fasting recommendation applies to interventions with general anesthesia, sedation, or even those requiring only local anesthesia. The reason is that more anesthesia may need to be administered if there are any complications.
What diet to follow after surgery?
After surgery, it is common for discomfort and pain to appear in the affected area. Depending on the type of intervention, we will receive guidelines to follow in order to facilitate recovery. Food is part of this recovery plan. One of the main objectives during the postoperative period is the regeneration of tissue tissues, as well as the healing of surgical wounds.
Therefore, it is advisable to take foods rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. Similar to what you were doing pre op, but in this instance avoid, gassy foods, spices, heavy non-lean meats as pork and greasy meats. Continue with healthy meal plan, that will give you energy afterwards.
You need to continue of course with out smoking, drinking, or being anybody who does, especially secondhand smoking. Caffeine you’ll be able to slowly transition in, we just don’t want to upset your stomach in addition to the medication you’re taking.
Be mindful and wise. Follow your Doctors instructions always, he knows best.
Plastic Surgery is a life-changing choice, making the decision is the first step. We would be honored to be the ones to help you through this journey. We are here to answer all of your questions.
If you are interested in Plastic Surgery we’re ready to help you become your best self with Dr. Luis Suarez.
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