Best vaginoplasty in Tijuana Mexico

Body Procedures
Vaginoplasty in Tijuana Mexico

Vaginoplasty (also known as posterior colporrhaphy) is a procedure designed to tighten the vagina. Patients with significant laxity may not experience a benefit from these treatments and may be better candidates for surgical tightening with vaginoplasty.


Reasons patients want a vaginoplasty

After childbirth, women may complain of vaginal laxity, resulting from stretching of tissues and separating of muscles, sometimes to the point that a tampon falls out, and this lack of tone can contribute to sexual dysfunction.


  • Once the amount of tightening to be done is determined, a pie-shape wedge is marked to delineate the extra skin to be removed from inside the vagina.

  • Beneath the skin, the tissues are tightened with strong sutures.

  • Once the vaginal canal has been tightened, the mucosal skin is sutured closed.

  • If there is external skin that protrudes, this can be reduced as well for a more aesthetic result.

Recovery Time

After the surgery is done in Tijuana Mexico, patients may have one to two weeks of downtime. They may feel a deep ache for the first few days, and there is no tampon use or intercourse for eight weeks. Depending on the amount of tightening performed, some patients may be instructed to use dilators

Start a Virtual Consultation

A virtual consultation is when you send us photos of the places of your body where you’d like to improve. Then our surgeon analyzes it to confirm that you are a candidate for that particular procedure. We later inform you about our doctor’s decision and give you a quote with all the information about your surgery. Please, do be at ease that everything is confidential between yourself, the doctor, and the doctor’s representative.
