Breast Reduction Surgery Cost

principal image breast reduction post

How Much Does Breast Reduction Surgery Cost?

On average, Breast Reduction Surgery Cost for breast reduction ranges from $5,000 to $10,000. This fee typically includes the surgeon’s fees, operating room expenses, anesthesia, and follow-up appointments. Surgeons with more experience or those practicing in high-demand areas may charge higher fees.

Prices for breast reduction  Surgery cost can vary. A surgeon’s cost may be based on his or her experience, the type of procedure used and the geographic office location

  • Breast reduction surgery costs may include:
  • Anesthesia fees
  • Hospital or surgical facility costs
  • Medical tests
  • Post-surgery garments
  • Prescriptions for medication
  • Surgeon’s fee

Breast reduction surgery cost may be covered by health insurance in certain cases, but coverage eligibility varies. Insurers typically consider the procedure medically necessary if large breasts cause significant physical discomfort, or pain, or interfere with daily activities. Documentation from a healthcare provider is often required to support the medical necessity. However, insurance companies have specific criteria for coverage, and approval is not guaranteed. It’s crucial to thoroughly review your insurance policy, consult with your surgeon, and work closely with your healthcare provider to navigate the approval process.

What is Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction surgery, medically known as reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to reduce the size and reshape the breasts. This surgery is typically performed for both medical and cosmetic reasons. Here’s an overview of what breast reduction surgery entails:

Reasons for Breast Reduction

Surgery is sought for various reasons, including

  • Physical Discomfort: Large, heavy breasts can lead to physical discomforts, such as back, neck, and shoulder pain, as well as posture problems.
  • Skin Irritation: The excess weight and skin in the breast area can cause skin irritation, rashes, and chafing, particularly beneath the breasts.
  • Difficulty in Physical Activities: Women with disproportionately large breasts may find it challenging to engage in physical activities or exercise comfortably.
  • Psychological and Emotional Distress: The emotional and psychological impact of having overly large breasts, including self-consciousness and low self-esteem, can be a significant motivating factor for breast reduction.
  • Clothing Fit: Finding well-fitting clothing can be challenging for individuals with large breasts, leading to limited clothing choices and difficulty finding bras that provide adequate support.

Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Reduction Surgery?

Good candidates for breast reduction surgery typically exhibit the following characteristics:

  • Physical Discomfort: Candidates often experience physical discomfort due to the size and weight of their breasts. Common complaints include chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain, as well as bra strap grooving. These symptoms should be well-documented and have a clear connection to breast size.
  • Disproportionately Large Breasts: Candidates have breasts that are disproportionately large in relation to their body frame. The degree of disproportion can vary, but it should be significant enough to justify the surgical reduction.
  • Skin Irritation and Rashes: Excess breast tissue and skin can lead to skin irritation, rashes, and chafing, particularly beneath the breasts. This can be a strong indication for breast reduction surgery.
  • Difficulty in Physical Activities: Individuals who find it challenging to engage in physical activities or exercise comfortably due to the size of their breasts may benefit from breast reduction surgery
  • Psychological and Emotional Distress: Candidates may experience psychological and emotional distress related to the size of their breasts, such as self-consciousness, low self-esteem, or body image issues. This emotional impact should be well-documented and discussed with a healthcare provider.
  • Age and Health Status: While there is no strict age limit for breast reduction surgery, candidates should generally be in good overall health. The timing of the surgery may vary based on individual circumstances.
  • Stable Weight: Candidates should have a stable body weight, as significant fluctuations in weight can affect the outcome of the surgery.
  • Non-smoker or Willing to Quit: Smoking can increase the risk of complications during and after surgery. Candidates who smoke may need to quit or be willing to commit to a smoke-free lifestyle during the surgical and recovery periods.


What should I expect during a consultation for breast reduction surgery?

During this consultation, you will have the opportunity to meet with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your goals, ask questions, and determine whether breast reduction is a suitable option for you. Here’s what you can expect during a typical consultation:

  1. Discussion of Your Goals and Concerns: You’ll have the opportunity to express your reasons for wanting breast reduction surgery, including any physical discomfort, pain, or emotional concerns related to the size of your breasts. Be open and honest about your expectations, and communicate what you hope to achieve with the surgery.
  2. Medical History and Examination: Your surgeon will review your medical history, including any prior surgeries, medical conditions, and medications you’re currently taking. A physical examination will be conducted to assess your breast size, shape, and overall health. The surgeon will also evaluate the position of your nipples and areolas.
  3. Detailed Explanation of the Procedure: Your surgeon will explain the breast reduction procedure in detail, including the surgical techniques they recommend, incision options, and the expected outcomes. You’ll learn about potential risks and complications associated with the surgery.
  4. Sizing and Symmetry: The surgeon will discuss the ideal breast size and shape based on your goals and body proportions. They will assess breast symmetry and discuss how they plan to achieve a balanced appearance.

Individualized Attention

  1. Customized Treatment Plan: Your surgeon will create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and goals. You’ll receive information about the surgical techniques, incision patterns, and the expected scarring.
  2. Before-and-After Photos: Your surgeon may show you before-and-after photos of previous breast reduction patients to give you a visual representation of the potential results.
  3. Recovery and Aftercare: You’ll receive information about the recovery process, including the expected downtime, restrictions on physical activity, and post-operative care instructions.
  4. Questions and Clarifications: Feel free to ask any questions or seek clarification on any concerns you may have about the procedure, recovery, or potential risks.
  5. Cost and Insurance: The surgeon’s office will provide you with a cost estimate for the procedure, which may include the surgeon’s fee, facility fees, anesthesia costs, and any additional expenses. If your breast reduction is medically necessary, discuss the possibility of insurance coverage, and inquire about the documentation required for insurance approval.
  6. Decision-Making: After the consultation, you’ll have the information needed to make an informed decision about proceeding with breast reduction surgery.

What are the risks of breast reduction surgery?

It is important to thoroughly discuss the risks with your board-certified plastic surgeon during your consultation and make an informed decision. Although breast reduction surgery is generally safe when performed by an experienced surgeon, the following are some of the potential risks and complications:

  1. Scarring: All breast reduction procedures involve incisions, which will result in some scarring. The degree of scarring may vary depending on the surgical technique used. Scars may be permanent and, in some cases, maybe more visible than desired.
  2. Infection: Any surgery carries a risk of infection. Your surgeon will take precautions to minimize this risk, such as administering antibiotics and maintaining strict sterile conditions during the procedure.
  3. A hematoma: is a collection of blood outside the blood vessels and may occur after surgery. It may require drainage if it becomes significant.
  4. Seroma: A seroma is a collection of fluid under the skin. It can occur after surgery and may require drainage. Healing problems In some cases, incisions may not heal as expected, resulting in wound healing problems or delayed wound healing.
  5. Changes in nipple sensation: Temporary or permanent changes in nipple sensation may occur, including numbness or hypersensitivity.
  6. Anesthesia complications Allergic reactions or adverse reactions to anesthetic medications may occur, although these are relatively rare.
  7. Breastfeeding difficulties: Breast reduction surgery may affect your ability to breastfeed. Discuss this with your surgeon if it is a concern.
  8. Psychological impact Some people may experience psychological or emotional problems after surgery, such as body image issues or depression. It is important to have realistic expectations and seek support if needed.
  9. Revision surgery: In some cases, additional surgery may be necessary to treat complications or achieve desired results.

What are the steps of a Breast Reduction Procedure?

The specific steps of a breast reduction procedure can vary depending on the surgical technique used and the individual patient’s needs. Here is a general overview of the steps involved in a typical breast reduction surgery:

  1. Anesthesia: Before the surgery begins, you will be administered anesthesia to ensure that you are comfortable and pain-free during the procedure. Your surgeon and anesthesia team will discuss your anesthesia options, which may include general anesthesia or intravenous sedation with local anesthesia.
  2. Incision Placement: The surgeon will make incisions based on the chosen surgical technique. There are several common incision patterns used in breast reduction surgery:
  3. Anchor or Inverted T Incision: This is the most common technique, involving an incision around the areola, vertically down from the areola to the breast crease, and horizontally along the breast crease.
  4. Lollipop Incision: This technique involves incisions around the areola and vertically down to the breast crease but without the horizontal incision along the crease.
  5. Donut Incision: In this technique, the incision is made around the edge of the areola.
  6. Tissue Removal: After making the incisions, the surgeon will remove excess breast tissue, fat, and skin. The amount removed depends on your desired breast size and the surgical plan.
  7. Reshaping and Repositioning: The remaining breast tissue is reshaped and lifted to create a more youthful and natural breast contour. The nipple and areola may also be repositioned to a higher location on the breast.
  8. Nipple and Areola Adjustments: If necessary, the surgeon may reduce the size of the areola by excising excess tissue.

Final Part of Procedure

  • Closing Incisions
  • Drain Placement (Optional)
  • Dressing and Bandages
  • Post-Operative Care
  • Recovery
  • Follow-Up Appointments

What results should I expect after breast reduction surgery?

The results can vary depending on your individual goals, the surgical technique used, and the expertise of your surgeon. Here are some common results and improvements you can typically expect:

  • Reduced Breast Size: The primary goal of breast reduction surgery is to reduce the size and weight of the breasts. You can expect to have smaller, lighter breasts after the procedure.
  • Improved Breast Shape: Breast reduction surgery typically involves reshaping the breast tissue to create a more aesthetically pleasing and youthful breast contour. This can result in breasts that are rounder, perkier, and more proportionate to your body.
  • Relief from Physical Discomfort: Many individuals experience physical discomfort and pain associated with large breasts, such as back, neck, and shoulder pain, as well as skin irritation. After breast reduction surgery, you should experience relief from these symptoms, leading to a better quality of life.
  • Improved Posture: Smaller and lighter breasts can contribute to improved posture and reduced strain on the upper body muscles.

Quality of life and a better silhouette

  • Enhanced Clothing Fit: You will likely find it easier to find clothing that fits well and feels more comfortable.
  • Balanced and Symmetrical Breasts: The surgeon aims to create balanced and symmetrical breasts during the procedure. While minor differences in breast size and shape are natural, the goal is to achieve a harmonious appearance.
  • Improved Self-Esteem and Body Image:  Boost in self-confidence and body image following breast reduction surgery.
  • Easier Physical Activity: Smaller breasts can make it easier to engage in physical activities and exercise comfortably.
  • Nipple and Areola Positioning: The surgeon typically repositions them to a more youthful and natural location on the breasts.
  • Scarring: While incisions are necessary for breast reduction surgery, the extent of scarring can vary depending on the surgical technique and individual healing. Scars typically fade and become less noticeable over time.

It’s important to have realistic expectations about the results of breast reduction surgery. 




A virtual consultation is when you send us photos of the places of your body where you’d like to improve. Then our surgeon analyzes it to confirm that you are a candidate for that particular procedure. We later inform you about our doctor’s decision and give you a quote with all the information about your surgery. Please, do be at ease that everything is confidential between yourself, the doctor, and the doctor’s representative.